This is for the average person that has been running or someone starting to run and enjoying it. One focus is positively attempting the challenging goal of running a marathon. The base goal is to achieve fitness or wellness with minimal pain or injury thus continuing to participate. The central premise- Anybody with generally healthy limbs and body can go from couch to finish line of the 26.2 mile marathon in 24-36 weeks.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Weekend on the road.

I have een thinking of posting my workout plans and keep updates here. This will be a blog and running log. As I train for an as yet undetermined race I work towards the 50 mile mark. I was targetting the JFK 50 Miler in November but we have a race to put on that day here in Virginia.
The knee has bugged me but maybe not enough to prevent a fall race. It will prevent a fast race, BUT being 6'8 and over 290 does that already. Back home today and got in a nice recovery today and sweated through a 5 miler met a few friends shot the bull and ran back about 3.5 miles this leg.
Tomorrow go off-road and try some speed on the trail then spend the day being traned to be a safe food handler at sporting events at the local college. Volunteer to raise funds for local YMCA and sell goodies at college football and basketball games.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, July 28, 2006

On the Road AGAIN!!?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Back on the raod - medium level knee pain.

Got back out today and felt great. Knee was stiff and sore but loosened up and felt OK. Got in nice workout and got good and sweaty. Need to get replacement Heart rate Monitor. Now my runs are "moderate" which is slang for barely moving to Olympic moment.
Spent most of the run thinking of new website under production. Bought name and some web help last night from Will be fun to create and manage a running site and blog. is focused on running, volunteering at races especially Ulta distance races.
My aid station has been known as Camp marty for 4 years now so it has its own website.
As i type i am still sweaty from my run and i took and ice cold shower and drank plenty of fluids- i sit here naked dripping.... Better suit up an dget going

have a great week.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Whoa! My knee is killing me.

Made it about 200 yards after my warmup and the knee clicking and clacking was too much and I backed off and walked a little- can't do it today.
Got home and did floor exercises for gut, chest and back. Heavy focus on the core and iced the knee a little. Then went through a good stretching regimen(sweating- yoga like). Feel fine now and should be goods to go tomorrow- get a run in while daughter is in pool practicing for next weeks YMCA Nationals.
Also made sure I took my garlic, ginger and turmeric to help with inflamation and pain. Glucosamine seems to be helping- may not regenrate inside of knee but may help retard deterioration.

Lots of water and juice (and a little bit oficed coffee).

Monday, July 24, 2006

WOW- So thats what a day off is like!!!

I know rest days are often recommended and I am a big fan of Jeff Galloways book and website but I still run everyday and then get burnt out a little.

Took Sunday off and feel great. I didn't even work in he garden(besides alittle watering.

I stretched in the morning when I ate and had coffee but stayed in my sleeping suit(nude ) as I watched a movie (Caddyshack) and then got a shower and went to store for dinner food and then watered the veggies and watched another movie.

Felt great, refreshed this morning. Went for a Easy, easy run. Fired up for the rest of the week,

Friday, July 21, 2006

WOW- Cross Training can be Painful !!!

Spent the day in the mountains and we did plenty of hiking on pretty severe terrain. Had fun, felt great and even stretched when i got home( like any workout).
Man was I sore and really didn't feel the bad knee- well everything else hurt. This morning Ihad lots of new and interesting discomforts. I did some exercises and stretching and felt better and went out for an easy weekend prep run. The target was an hour and I was close. The suggested tempo was upbeat with some speed intervals- did not do those.
When I did the first speed up I felt it in a few sensitive places but kept at it. As I tried the next pickup I really felt it and decided it was a good day to be careful. It became and LSD day- but the kinks from yesterday worked out and even the knee pain was reduced- I think the distance on the rough terrain gave it a good test and strengthened it.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What to do in this heat?

As a fan of the winter with the snow, ice and cold temperatures I dread the approach of the heat.
Now I love the spring and summer for the colors and the opportunity to garden but the heat is always a challenge.
As the real heat hits I have adapted and adjusted to the heat but it is still uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.
Now I break into a sweat tying my shoes so I need to be vigilant in hydration and fluid replacement. So I do 3 basic things every day.

1) Drink water all day long ( I carry 2-4 one literwater bottles)
2) I carry water (and maybe replacement drink) when I workout {and I drink it}
3) I replenish electrolytes and fluids after workouts. Post workout drinks include a glycogen replacement drink with a 4-1 or 5-1 carb to protein mix, often with a small amount of Omega fats.

I usually train in the morning so I don't have to make adjustments in the warm seasons. After nearly 20 years of running I know I need at least a quart/liter of water after an average run. When I go further or do a particualrly difficult workout I need to increase my intake during and after the workout.
Sweating safely in Virginia

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

WOW walking really does get me in shape!

I have followed Jeff Galloways training methods for a number of years. The balanced combination of walking and running in every workout has helped limit and reduce the amount of pain in my already damaged knees. It also helped me do well in several marathons and halfs.
Now that my bad knee has really been bothering me I have embraced walking as the exercise of choice. I lace up my running shoes and hit the road for a brisk walk and get the heart pumping and according to my HRM I am reaching a good training zone.
This has me focused my training as well. I do somewalks as I would train for races. Up-Tempo walks, fartleks, hill work aand sone L.S.D.

The side of this is the benefit in my head of getting out even with some pain that stops me from running. I have maintained a reasonable level of sanity by getting out a sweating on a regular basis.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What can I do when my legs hurt?

A normal and regualr problem that larger runners have is pain in the legs. The pain may be the result of overuse(resulting from size) or actual trauma from earlier runs or other activities.

Pain can be handled with
1) R.I.C.E.
2) Stretching
3) Strengthening
4) Dietary adjustments
5) Exercise adjustments

1) We have all heard of Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This is always helpful when there is pain an inflamation.
2) Stretching is helpful when the pain in muscular or connective tissue related. Many times a tight joint or muscle will force the body to operate outside of normal- resultingin pian and maybe an injury.
3) Occasionally a muscle imbalance or weakness will be the culprit in pain and discomfort. Strengthening the appropriatemuscle will help relieve or eliminate the discomfort.
4) The diet can be looked at in 2 ways A} maybe we need to lose weight and the other often less focused is B} What we eat may be causing the pain- salt, dairy, wheat, sugar....
5) Do more walking instead of running . Walking for 15 minutes run/jog for5.....
maybe even get on the bike once in a while

Friday, July 14, 2006

As a bigger runner I constantly get asked questions about running and size. Many of the questions center on the pounding and pain resulting from being a big runner.
I have many answers that I give them. These answers are the things I do to keep running regularly.
1) Correct shoes- kept in good condition.
2) Proper Pre- and post run preparation and recovery routines
3) Proper diet
4) Proper hydration - all day long
5) Daily habits to maintain strength, flexibility and mobility
6) Workout variety to mantain enjoyment.

As a bigger runner and former football and basketball player{with a history of orthopedic surgeries} I have tried many gimmicks and tools to help my health but regular vigorous endurance exercise is the only thing to keep my body, heart and mind in shape.