This is for the average person that has been running or someone starting to run and enjoying it. One focus is positively attempting the challenging goal of running a marathon. The base goal is to achieve fitness or wellness with minimal pain or injury thus continuing to participate. The central premise- Anybody with generally healthy limbs and body can go from couch to finish line of the 26.2 mile marathon in 24-36 weeks.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Weekend on the road.

I have een thinking of posting my workout plans and keep updates here. This will be a blog and running log. As I train for an as yet undetermined race I work towards the 50 mile mark. I was targetting the JFK 50 Miler in November but we have a race to put on that day here in Virginia.
The knee has bugged me but maybe not enough to prevent a fall race. It will prevent a fast race, BUT being 6'8 and over 290 does that already. Back home today and got in a nice recovery today and sweated through a 5 miler met a few friends shot the bull and ran back about 3.5 miles this leg.
Tomorrow go off-road and try some speed on the trail then spend the day being traned to be a safe food handler at sporting events at the local college. Volunteer to raise funds for local YMCA and sell goodies at college football and basketball games.

Have a great weekend.


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