This is for the average person that has been running or someone starting to run and enjoying it. One focus is positively attempting the challenging goal of running a marathon. The base goal is to achieve fitness or wellness with minimal pain or injury thus continuing to participate. The central premise- Anybody with generally healthy limbs and body can go from couch to finish line of the 26.2 mile marathon in 24-36 weeks.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What can I do when my legs hurt?

A normal and regualr problem that larger runners have is pain in the legs. The pain may be the result of overuse(resulting from size) or actual trauma from earlier runs or other activities.

Pain can be handled with
1) R.I.C.E.
2) Stretching
3) Strengthening
4) Dietary adjustments
5) Exercise adjustments

1) We have all heard of Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This is always helpful when there is pain an inflamation.
2) Stretching is helpful when the pain in muscular or connective tissue related. Many times a tight joint or muscle will force the body to operate outside of normal- resultingin pian and maybe an injury.
3) Occasionally a muscle imbalance or weakness will be the culprit in pain and discomfort. Strengthening the appropriatemuscle will help relieve or eliminate the discomfort.
4) The diet can be looked at in 2 ways A} maybe we need to lose weight and the other often less focused is B} What we eat may be causing the pain- salt, dairy, wheat, sugar....
5) Do more walking instead of running . Walking for 15 minutes run/jog for5.....
maybe even get on the bike once in a while


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