This is for the average person that has been running or someone starting to run and enjoying it. One focus is positively attempting the challenging goal of running a marathon. The base goal is to achieve fitness or wellness with minimal pain or injury thus continuing to participate. The central premise- Anybody with generally healthy limbs and body can go from couch to finish line of the 26.2 mile marathon in 24-36 weeks.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The back is getting better

Dug out my YOGA FOR RUNNERS book and stretched for a long time each of the last few days.
feeling a lot better andwent for an easy walk this morning and will go more tomorrow if all is still solid.

Doing some ab work has helped as well. Will keep it up and focus hard on it the next month- maybe make it a habit .

I will see how it goes. Is a six pack too much of a goal? I mean abs not beer.


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